Fertility Nutrition
Please see my range of 1:1 programmes to suit your needs.
Trimester Zero
Struggling to conceive naturally or via IVF, or have a successful, full-term pregnancy?
Discover and correct what’s really causing your conception struggles, and remove risks to a healthy, full-term pregnancy.
Through gentle yet in-depth health and fertility assessments, functional testing analysis, nutritional review and lifestyle considerations, together, we learn all there is to know about your biochemistry and the cause of your fertility challenges. I put your unique biochemistry at the heart of your therapeutic plan to give it a laser-like focus on your fertility health.
The bespoke plan is your nutrition and lifestyle bible and sets out your food plan, supplement programme and lifestyle guidance. And I design it to be as convenient as possible and easy to follow. Couples will follow a foundational food plan overlayed with individualised recommendations. Supplements and lifestyle guidance are unique to each person.
During fortnightly consultations, we review your body’s response to the changes and discuss any test results. Then we adapt the plan, layering in specific ‘food as medicine’ and nutraceutical supplements to optimise functions and fertility.
During your programme you can rely on me for support and reassurance and the confidence you’re doing the best for your fertility health and chance of conceiving.
*Budget allowing and via the NHS where possible if preferred
ContactThe Pregnancy Programme
Pregnant and want to feel confident, worry-free and nourished at every stage?
Optimise maternal and foetal health with trimester-specific support and flourish throughout your pregnancy.
No matter what your fertility journey, once you become pregnant you’re faced with a different set of mental and physical challenges. My support takes you from early pregnancy to birth and the 4th trimester.
Consultations at key developmental milestones through the trimester help you carve out time and space throughout your pregnancy to reflect on how you feel physically and emotionally. Self-care is crucial for your health and vital to minimise baby’s health risks and optimise their immune system for the best start.
I guide you through trimester-appropriate health, diet and lifestyle factors that support your body and mind during every stage of your pregnancy. And we work through any pregnancy-related symptoms to restore your balance. Our regular sessions help us spot any early warning signs of potential issues to quickly address them and keep you and baby healthy.
Together, we build your body to be resilient throughout pregnancy, prepared for birth and the early months postnatal and prepare you mentally. So you can feel positive about your baby’s birth and confident in the weeks and months that follow.
A nutrient-rich maternal diet before and during pregnancy is associated with foetal health, more appropriate birth weight and increased rates of maternal and infant survival.
Fertile Fortitude Programme
Weighed down by worry, anxiety and negative beliefs about your fertility or pregnancy?
Control thoughts, remove unhelpful beliefs and shift to a positive mindset with hypnosis and coaching for a gentler fertility journey.
The fertility journey can put us under immense strain leaving us feeling lost, anxious and often with poor self-esteem. How we feel takes a toll on our physical health too. When our nervous system perceives stress or threat, the body may down-regulate its reproductive abilities to reduce vulnerability to threats and increase our chances of survival. This is why managing mindset is such an important pillar for fertility and pregnancy alongside nutrition.
Making our minds a calmer place during every stage of the fertility journey and throughout pregnancy can make the destination clearer, and the path easier and more enjoyable. It can improve your fertility health too!
Hypnosis is a proven stress reliever and shown to be effective in alleviating negative thoughts. Some studies show hypnosis can improve fertility and effectively double the success of IVF treatments. And it’s effective for birth preparation too.
During our time together, we begin by understanding how you’d like to feel during your fertility journey – ways of being that will be helpful to you. Negative beliefs about your body and fertility can act as major barriers or drive self-sabotaging behaviours. I help you let go of these to support diet and lifestyle changes, optimise your fertility, put you back in touch with trusting and loving your body, minimise your anxiety and overcome any fears..
With that in mind, you’re guided through four safe, gentle hypnosis sessions focused on reframing your mindset and taking control of your emotions. Each session is an hour long and leaves you feeling deeply relaxed and calm often for the first time in a very long time.
After each session, you receive your hypnosis recordings, so you have your own library of resources to use as and when you need for as long as you need.
* Includes indefinite access to your 4 fully bespoke hypnosis tapes.
ContactRevive and Thrive
Daily struggles caused by your hormones?
Harmonise your hormone balance, be rid of symptoms getting in life’s way and secure your future fertility.
Menstrual health is an outward reflection of our true health. Erratic periods, pain, bloating, fatigue, brain fog, bad skin and emotional instability are just a handful of ways our hormone imbalances show up. Alongside specific conditions such as PCOS, fibroids and endometriosis, they can interfere with our daily lives. Some may be common symptoms, but that doesn’t mean they’re normal and we must live with them.
I dive into your health history, assess your diet, analyse any necessary functional tests and take account of your lifestyle to build a picture of your health. I overlay that with a review of your symptoms to pinpoint the focus of your therapeutic plan.
Your individualised plan pulls together nutritional guidance, a supplement programme and lifestyle advice to correct imbalances in your body with a focus on your hormone health.
Through a ‘whole body’ approach, we bring your health and hormones back into harmony. You feel in vibrant health and set the foundations for your future fertility.
*Budget allowing and via the NHS where possible if preferred